
Saturday, October 22, 2005

How to brighten a Friday evening!!!

Ok, now that the Optics exam was over, I came in a little later, to home,bringing 3 movies the amistad , runaway jury and mozart.i started watching amistad,first up...

Amistad is definitely an underrated film. Anthony Hopkins should have won an award for the film, perhaps 'Best Supporting Actor.'

Djimon Hounsou (Cinque)did an amazing job…


D.H. should have won something as well. But I'm quite certain the film industry would never allow this to happen.

And 'Best Film' or 'Best Director' award should have been awarded to this movie as well.

Basically, it should have one atleast SOMETHING. Either way though, the movie has gone down as a classic and it is and will always be remembered. And it is truly one of the most powerful films, one of the most touching, one of the most relevant, and it is about one of the most important times in history.

The slave journey across the Atlantic Ocean-- from Africa to America. NO ONE can imagine what the horrors of sailing across the middle passage was like for African slaves. No book, no movie, no text, no narrative description can begin to describe what that was like. It was truly waaaaay worse than anything Spielberg or anybody else could put on the big screen. But I feel as if he made a brilliant attempt and that it definitely got the point across. It is truly the best depiction anyone could do!

anthony hopskins as aJohn Quincy adams....absolutely spell binding!!!...Initially he surfaces as a weathered politician who is just irritated with the way things were happening...but during the intermediate advise to Mathew Mccoughnahey(who by the way was firebrand ) he was absolutely frigging amazing...Hopkins does some intersting symbolisms in the movie..The rose when Adams moves it to sunlight while talking to the lawyer, it means that "get to know him". Bringing into the light is a simple symbology for getting to learn who Cinque really is.
Also he tries to invoke cinque;s yearning for the motherland by presenting him the african lily...

There are some post notes at the ending of the film..but it real research tells us that Cinque later became a slave trader himself...the ironies of life...!!!

But overall a terrific must watch!!!

I watched Runaway Jury too...but now not too much enthu to write abt it..Avg fare...

Amadeus still remains...we shall see..


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